Kevin Gates seems like one of the more unique emcees in the game.
However, his former manager @DJyaboyearl just blasted him as a fake.
Not because he doesn’t really have sex with his cousin or shoot heroin.
But because Yaboyearl says Gates isn’t telling the truth when he claims to have made it on just his own talent and hustle.

Earl posted,
“…..Then you can get interviews and say nobody put you on and how u made it by urself because u always had money from selling kilos…SMH…#TheFakeWontWin, you can make it too unsigned artists u just have to finesse alotta folks to help u for free so I can change on em and diss em when the money comes!!! They will get rich and brag how they not giving handouts after the whole city gave them so much. 8 years it took.”

Gates responded subliminally by saying,
“If I play vulnerable and allow my pretend friends to take advantage of me-am I wrong if I come out on top?”

To see the full post Click Here

What are your thoughts?!