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Karrine Steffans And Columbus Short Speak On Their Secret Marriage

The Shorts would like for you haters to have a seat…

Well the Shorts are now clapping back at fans as couple, in particular those who just can’t believe that the actor and the former video vixen/author are really married.
Karrine took to Instagram to silence critics and noted that they didn’t have a problem with her two previous husbands.
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She also took to Twitter to send a message to people concerned about her past and not her husband’s. d3da3e5b-948c-4688-bf97-c4a869190533fafd272a-c0c0-4632-83a5-7d571c761e268e720806-d0d3-41fe-aca0-8a1fbd8a0d2a
Sit down haters!
But wait, is this Columbus Short/Karrine Steffans matrimony-dom all a big publicity stunt???