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NYPD Officer Reportedly Stole Nude Photos From Woman's Phone

NYPD Officer Reportedly Stole Nude Photos From Woman's PhoneNYPD Officer Sean Christian is having trouble finding legal reprensentation in a case where he's accused of stealing personal photos and videos from a woman's phone after her arrest. Christian was turned down by both city and union lawyers to represent him in the case.

Pamela Held was arrested after prescription drugs were found in her car during a traffic violation stop, and she claims that she gave a female officer the passcode to her phone so that Held could prove her whereabouts. After getting her phone back, Held discovered that 20 photos and five videos were sent on three separate occasions and sent to Christian's number.

The officer plead guilty to departmental charges earlier this year, leading to him losing 45 vacation days and being placed on dismissal probation.

Source: NY Daily News