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Nikci speaks How she fell in love with Meek.

"My favorite thing about Meek is kissing him, which is weird...I love kissing him. I love the way his lips feel."
Dubbed 2015's Bonnie & Clyde, rap couple Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill recently shared the floor during their cover story for GQ Magazine. Nicki says they do nothing for publicity, and are "like any other couple in the hood." "We're growing as a couple and as people and as human beings but we still have our careers, and I think probably the only thing that makes it un-normal is that we're both successful artists, and that's probably not normal," she shared.
While discussing their ideal double dates and exchanging flirty glances, the two detailed how they began their relationship. Meek Mill - who was also busy tweeting about Drake's diss towards him, calling "Charged Up" "baby lotion soft" - said "basically she was feeling the kid before when I got booked." According to Nicki, things heated up for them after she broke it off with Safaree Samuels and Meek Mill was incarcerated. "In terms of taking him seriously and going to another level with him: when he went to jail I was left in a house by myself and it was just a tough time for me and it happened to be a tough time for him as well," she recalled. She then remembers the first time they spoke on the phone while Meek was in jail. "I remember sitting on my balcony at my house and just being on the phone with him until it started getting dark outside," she told GQ. "And I was just like yo, I'm in trouble. I just knew that first day, it was that long conversation. I was like uh-oh."
Nicki Minaj & Meek Mill: We're Like Any Other Couple In the Hood