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Tennessee Store Owner Hangs No Gays Allowed Sign

SMH…get our your feelings people.

WBIR reports:

The owner of an east Tennessee hardware store placed an anti-LGBT sign in the window of his business that he says expresses his religious beliefs. The sign, handwritten on a blank piece of 8-by-10-inch paper, says in all capital letters, “NO GAYS ALLOWED.”

Jeff Amyx, who owns Amyx Hardware & Roofing Supplies in Grainger County, Tenn., says he taped the sign to his store’s window in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage and because he feels gay and lesbian relationships are against his religion.

According to Knoxville TV station WBIR, it occured to him Monday morning “that homosexual people are not afraid to stand for what they believe in. He said it showed him that Christian people should be brave enough to stand for what they believe in.”

On Tuesday, Amyx took down the “No Gays Allowed” sign and put up a sign that reads “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who would violate our rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion.”

“People told me I ought to do it a little bit more, make it a little nicer because I’m a very blunt person,” added Amyx. The signs are raising some questions in the Washburn community about how Amyx would even know someone was gay,

“It’s his business. He can do whatever he wants. If he wants gays to stay out then that’s his preference,” said homeowner Marvin Williams.

Sooo how will he know that one of his customers is gay??? Is he going to ask everyone that comes in???

SMH…how ignorant.