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While Iggy Azalea has seemingly moved on from her spat with Azealia Banks, Hip-Hop legend Q-Tip dropped some gems in the rapper's mentions on Twitter Saturday as he broke down the origins of the genre.

While many are aware of Hip-Hop's black origins, the producer broke down the connections Hip-Hop has to the drug war of the 80's and the effect the genre has had on popular culture. He also explains the power music has on the world and how its influence has affected Iggy's success. Q-Tip has yet to pick a side on the Iggy/Azalea drama, but it's clear his allegiance is to Hip-Hop.

"You have to take into account the HISTORY as you move underneath the banner of hip hop," he tweeted. "As I said before, hip hop is fun it's vile it's dance it's traditional it's light hearted but 1 thing it can never detach itself from it being a SOCIO-Political movement. U may ask why ... Well once you are born black your existence I believe is joined with socio-political epitaph and philosophy based on the tangled and treacherous history SLAVERY alone this is the case it never leaves our conversation... Ever."

He also reassures her that he's trying to spread the knowledge of the genre from one artist to another.

"This is not a chastisement this is not admonishment at ALL this is just one artist reaching to another hoping to spark insight into the field you're in," he tweeted. "I say this in the spirit of a hopeful healthy dialogue that maybe one day we can continue."