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Ladies: Tyson Beckford new stripper movie Chocolate City

Image:  Image #38While 2012's "Magic Mike" was a certified hit, it left many women feeling left out of the equation.  Sexy men stripping down is surely a turn-on for the ladies, but there was definitely a desire for a bit more diversity of casting.  

We now have that alternative, "Chocolate City," which will feature Michael Jai White and Tyson Beckford in leading roles and is sure to cash in on an audience that Magic Mike missed. Indie filmmaker and screenwriter for the flick Jean-Claude LaMarre broke it down:

"This movie was in gestation for 2 1/2 years, but after "Magic Mike" it seemed a natural fit for the African-American female audience...I researched the male exotic club scene and it's massive across the country, with clubs specifically targeting middle-aged African-American women."

Tyson Beckford has been filling up his Instagram account with sexy behind the scenes photos on set, featuring him and his co-stars in full-on stripper gear.

Check out the BTS flicks above and look for "Chocolate City" to hit theaters June 2015.

Source: TheYBF, Instagram
Image: @tysoncbeckford Homie Bolo and me on set #setlife. #chocolatecity

Image: @tysoncbeckford FBF on set "Chocolate City" wit costar Robert R'ichard.

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