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Man spends over $50,000 to look like Ken doll

A Brazilian model by the name of Celso Santebanes has shelled out over $50,000 to look like a human Ken doll, as in Barbie's boyfriend. The 20-year-old spoke to The Mirror about his various surgeries, which include over four on his nose, chest, chin, and jaw. 

While it's hard for some to imagine him dating a real girl after he admitted to acting like a "human puppet," Santebanes announced on Facebook that he is looking for love, "The human Ken bachelor is looking for his Barbie. Who wants to be my girlfriend? After all no one is happy alone."
Check out more photos from his Instagram page and let us know what you think. 
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Image:  Image #13Image:  Image #8Source: Huffington PostImage:  Image #3

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