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Feed A Child Sparks Outrage With Ad Featuring Black Boy Being Fed Like A Dog

What is wrong with this video?

A South African ad which has rubbed a lot of folks the wrong way has been withdrawn without any further repercussions.

According to CNN reports:

A television commercial that prompted complaints for its portrayal of a white woman feeding a young black boy like a dog will not be formally investigated, South Africa’s advertising watchdog has ruled.

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) says it is satisfied the actions of the organization behind the advert, Feed a Child — which has withdrawn the commercial and published a formal apology — address complainants’ concerns.

ASA said it had received 12 complaints about the advertisement since Monday.

“The complainants submitted that the commercial is offensive, racist and tasteless. It suggests that white people treat and feed black kids like dogs, which is exceptionally degrading and dehumanizing,” it said.

“The second complainant argued that the comparison between dog owners and starving children is unfounded and irrelevant. Every dog owner carries the responsibility to feed and care for their dog, just like the state and / or a parent carries the responsibility to care for their children. It is not the responsibility of dog owners to feed other people’s children. Suggesting that white people are happy to feed their dogs expensive food, but not to help starving black children is offensive.”

ASA said it was “significant to note” that Feed a Child had published a formal apology on its website and that its YouTube channel now featured a video of its CEO apologizing and contextualizing the advertisement and its intended commercial message.

In a statement released earlier, Feed a Child had said: “The commercial is intentionally emotive to trigger the necessary awareness on this issue to generate engagement and contributions.”

Advertising company Ogilvy and Mather, who created the advertisement, also issued an apology, saying it was aware of the “negative reaction” it sparked and that it had not intended to cause offense.

Do you think the advertising company and Feed A Child have done enough to repair the damage caused by the ad? Should there have been more repercussions?

Hit the flip for the apology video from Feed A Child as well as another video with the organization “explaining what happened…”

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