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Stadium Music: Arch Angel Exclusive Interview only at #V2


ArchAngel is a rapper that only promises to deliver the best. No exceptions, no excuses and no loose ends. His music is met by the endearing obligation to deliver emotions to the listener. His only obstacle being just that, for him its a process to greatness. Its the forgotten formula of the Hiphop Classic. Even with the tides between his family being strained. He holds onto those who want to be there. He holds onto those who will need him now and forever. And he holds onto this dream that daily is becoming an evident reality. His grind speak volumes, his music speak volumes, volumes that can tremble the chairs of the largest stadium. Here is the exclusive interview of Arch Angel. Only at #v2

Tell us who is ArchAngel?
That's the artist personified . The entity that makes it an everyday event mentally to deliver something to the masses that can be heard with the eyes and seen with ears listening. I heard once from a teacher the unless a voice is heard by deaf ears its value hasn't been restored completely. I apply this to that of the artistry.

What was the inspiration behind the name?

Most who grew up with me knew that the first character name chosen was nightcrawler. It's funny because that is a character from X-Men. After a while I realized that the name no longer fit and the attention and the respect of the name wouldn't last long. At this time I was in a loss for myself and I didn't know what to do. One day I woke up and the name Archangel ran across my mental. So I researched it and that has been my name since..

So your childhood was different from most? The relationship between you and your mother suffered. Why was that and how is your relationship today?

Had to grow up fast to say the least. Due to the separation of the parents who birth me I was the child who being the first child was pretty much the test dummy. When people are unable to get over a certain hurt cause by an individual and a child is born in the midst of these things, the child tends to be the one who the pain was inflicted on. So to say this as short as possible there isn't a relationship between my mother and me now. Learning to pave your own way and not listen to the negative backlash thrown at you simply because they are mad at themself and the other person who helped create you can damage as well as strengthen a person depending on how strong they are mentally.

So you were heavy into sports as a teenager, did it ever go anywhere past after school activity. Or did you ever have big dreams of going pro?

I received scholarships for track and field, I acquired awards when I was able to play basketball and football. I never really dreamed of going professional I just used it as a way to find something positive in my life.

As a father now yourself, how does it feel having such a strained relationship with your parents. Where you able to break the mold?

My father and I actually have a better bond now that I'm older and I am actually experiencing the problems he went through with me. In most cases you can see the pain it brought to him again because he never wanted me to experience it but at the same time he's there to help me understand it as well. I don't know if I can break the mold but I am doing the best to be the most honest upfront parent i can be towards my children.

When did you first get into music? When was that "this is what I want to do moment". 

When I was at Kirby High I kind of played along in the little freestyle sessions they had out in the courtyard. I've always been into music my whole life I was singing michael jackson songs riding with my uncle at 5 years old. But back to where the true thought of it came when I was in the lunch room and a partner of mine Jason "Chino" Riddle R.I.P. seen one of my poems and kept harassing me saying i should rap. Since then I guess it stuck with me. The moment I realized that this is who I am is when everything else in my life is in shambles I can steer that energy into making a song that relates to someone.

Top 5 greatest MC's of all time?

Now this I'm unable to answer. There are so many emcees that brought something or reinvented what was there that I'm unable to say it and it be true for everyone. I can say a couple I speak highly of are Kurtis Blow, Rakim, LL Cool J, Scarface, Mos Def. Its hard to even say those cause then I'm leaving 2Pac Common Talib Kweli Ice Cube Cool Moe Dee Nas SPice 1 out. 

How would you describe your music, for people who havent heard you before? Which 3 artist would you take to form up your style if you had too.

I would call it Mood M.U.S.I.C. An explanation of this is if you listen to happy sounds they tend to lighten your day, something more gloomy will bring you down if you get my drift. I'd have to let you pick those three artist thats a hard task to perform.

How do you feel about the state of hiphop in Memphis TN?

A ship lost in an unknown location to say the least. We have some of the most talented people one city can every have not just in M.U.S.I.C. but in cultural arts, business, festive activities, etc but no one wants to be guided everyone wants to be the leaders without knowing where there leading individuals. People want to be the person everyone says if the head of it all instead of saying hey I was a part of something great and look what we have all become. We lost man.

Take us through your process of creating music.

Everything organic. Think of it as cooking a meal. You have to have the items you want to cook the seasonings for flavor and the kitchen to make all this happen. Nothing I do is overnight material some songs I've done four years ago but they are so ahead of the time I have to wait to release them. It's all about something thats beyond surface its something that reaches a place in you you probably didn't encounter on a daily basis. Of course there are some more upbeats songs but for the most part I think you get what I'm saying.

So your a sign act, how does that feel having a label home?

Yea I'm signed to my own label. It really doesn't bother me but I known I own myself not anyone else.

Your first major mixtape was "Hallelujah Music" and you had a name Arch Angel. People ever confused you for a gospel rap artist?

Actually my first mixtape was previewed in 2008 by Dj Smallz called DatPiff.... I tried to put everyone in  the city on that mixtape. I was just going for it with no honest direction back then. It's funny now and I can honestly say I've grown from then.

What can we expect from this new mixtape/album thats set to be released?


Any shoutouts, sites, events, anything you wan to tell the people of #V2? 

To everyone who has had a dream or sought to become something in life remember you are the catalyst and if you make the steps to become it so shall you be it. Make yourself a believer first and everyone else will see that light in you to become a believer as well.