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Judge Joe Brown arrested in Memphis TN. Lost control in court

joe brown
(WMC-TV) - Judge Joe Brown was sentenced to five days in jail after being charged with five counts of contempt of court. He will serve one day in jail for each count.

Brown, 66, was sentenced after reportedly "acting out" in front of a magistrate Monday. 

He was Shelby County Criminal Court judge for 10 years before leaving the bench in 2000 to focus on his then 2-year-old nationally syndicated television show, according to Associated Press. The show was canceled last year.

Brown turned in a petition earlier this year to run for the Democratic nomination in the race for Shelby County's district attorney. 

Action News 5's Shay Harris is working to learn more. Stay with WMCTV.COM for updates.

(Memphis) Well known TV court judge and former Shelby County Criminal Court judge Joe Brown has been arrested and has been taken to 201 Poplar.
We are told Brown showed up to Juvenile Court to represent someone in a child support case.
Court workers told Brown they had no record of the case.
Brown reportedly lost control and became verbally abusive.
Juvenile Court Magistrate Harold Horne warned Brown to calm down, but he did not.
Brown was given two days in jail for contempt of court, but that increased to three days when he once again started yelling as he was being removed from the courtroom.
Brown’s television show was cancelled and he is now running for Shelby County District Attorney against Amy Weirich.
Brown held a ‘Man Up’ rally in Memphis Sunday to talk about keeping kids out of trouble.

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