Breaking News

Aaron Hernandez May Be Charged In Jailhouse Altercation

Via ABCNews

Former Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez, already charged with murder, could face additional charges stemming from a fight at the Bristol County jail where he has been held in segregation.

Bristol County Sheriff Tom Hodgson told ABC News confirmed that two inmates at the jail in North Dartmouth were in an “altercation” Tuesday and that “one of them was Aaron Hernandez.” Hodgson said neither man was seriously injured.

“We will be studying video and proceeding with interviews to determine why and how the incident took place to determine whether internal discipline or criminal charges are warranted,” Hodgson said.

Hernandez is charged with the murder of Odin Lloyd, whose bullet-riddled body was found less than a mile from the $1.2 million mansion in North Attleborough where the one-time NFL star lived.

Aaron should just go ‘head and get comfortable, this will be his new home.


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