Breaking News

You Are Not Gonna BELIEVE Who They Say Drake Is Dating Now . . . If It's True . . .Lawddd

 The Internets is HEATING UP LIKE FIRE that rapper Drake . . . is dating Kris Jenner. According to the streets, Kris and Bruce are currently separated and Kris is looking to get her GROOVE BACK. And that Drake, who has been open about his INTEREST IN OLDER WOMEN (Taraji Henson and Tatyana Ali), is her rebound dude.
Stunna . . . Nicki . . . Weezy . . . and one of y'all go find this dude and SMACK SOME SENSE into him.
Oh, and Kris if you're getting BEAT by Drizzy . . . YOU GO GIRRRRRRLLLLLL!!!

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