Studies show men with these signs are the best to date for the modern woman.

The website visited all 12 signs, and gave a detailed description as to why the men were ranked so high (or so low).
Here's a brief synopsis of what they found.
1 Scorpio: While they have a bad rep Scorpio guys are both charismatic and charming but also very deep and complicated. If you can win over the heart of a Scorpio man you will have his love, devotion, and dedication to you always."
2 Gemini: "Geminis fall very quickly and can look at someone and confidently say they see a future. A Gemini man is the definition of a true gentleman."
3 Libra: "Libra’s are the most peaceful of all signs. In a relationship, a Libra man will always try and avoid a fight if they can."
4 Aries: "Aries men like to dominate all the relationships they are in. When they meet a woman who challenges them it attracts them so much more."
5 Cancer: "Cancer men have a heart of gold and wear their heart on their sleeve. They follow their heart and not their head which leads them to chase the wrong women."
6 Leo: "Leo men are hopeless romantics. While they come across as tough, they believe in love more than any other sign and they will do everything by every movie and book to ensure someone feels special and loved."
7 Aquarius: "Aquarius men are the strangest but funniest of all signs. They beat entirely to their own drum and sometimes just live in a world all their own."
8 Sagittarius: Sag men have a tough time with relationships because they are their own worst enemy. And they don’t make decisions oftentimes until it’s too late."
9 Capricorns: "Capricorns have really high expectations when it comes to everything in their life. This includes relationships. They add pressure to the person they are interested in whether that’s their career or personal life.
10 Virgo: "Virgos are the most jealous of all signs and have the worst temper when they get mad and can’t control it."
11 Taurus: "Taurus men are tough to get a commitment out of. They are focusing much more on their family and career."
12 Pisces: "Pisces men are the most sensitive of all signs. They tend to gravitate towards people who are completely opposite of them."
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