Mayweather Sr. Says Floyd Will Fight in the UFC

Floyd Mayweather Jr. has been giving mixed signals about whether or not he is interested in pursuing a fight in the UFC, but Mayweather Sr. seems pretty convinced that all signs lead to his son being headed for the octagon.
Junior last responded to speculation of a crossover from the boxing ring by brushing off a TMZ reporter who approached him about the prospects; replying simply that he "don't know." This after a period of back and forth with Conor McGregor via various social media posts that showed The Money Team boss teasing fans with mixed martial arts imagery.
During a recent interview with kickboxing champ Amer Abdallah, Mayweather Sr. was asked to give a temperature check on how possible a Mayweather Jr. collaboration with Dana White is. “The way I see it, I have to believe that this is where it’s going. The way it looks, I think so,” he said.
Senior then went on to say that if it was up to him, his boy would stay retired and continue to enjoy the fruits of his labor. “Don’t get me wrong, I believe he can beat some of those fighters like he did with the other guys, but it ain’t worth it. There ain’t no other way he can go right now besides backwards,” he said.
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