Coongress been working hard to pass this new bill! Pants sagging law now legal

Lawmakers in South Carolina want to make sagging pants illegal for men. House Bill 4957, introduced Feb. 15, says it would be unlawful for a person to appear in public wearing “his pants” more than three inches below “the crest of his ileum exposing his skin or undergarments.”
According to The Charlotte Observer, The offender would be subject to a $25 fine for a first offense; a $50 fine or up to 3 hours of community service, or both, for a second offense; and a $75 fine or up to 6 hours of community service, or both, for a third or subsequent offense.
The violation, however, would be considered a "noncriminal offense" and no record of it would be maintained.“We have to lead by example,” A representative told WCIV television station. “The pants now are being worn below the knees.” He told the television station that the issue is one of equality because a female would be cited for indecent exposure if she were to wear sagging pants.
A similar ordinance was passed in Timmonsville in July 2016, where third-time offenders could pay a $100-600 fine. In Jasper County, sagging pants has been prohibited there since 2008, though most offenders are warned instead of being ticketed, officials told The Island Packet in 2016.
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