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Gabrielle Union on White Women's Voices Valued in #MeToo Campaign

For a near month's lengthy book tour for her memoir, We're Going to Need More Wine, Gabrielle Union has discussed her marriages, her fertility issues, the plight of being a black woman, and sexual reciprocity even if that includes booty eating. She recently did an interview with the New York Times, where she was outspoken about the #MeToo movement and how race and the role of women of color play into that.
“I think the floodgates have opened for white women,” Union said. “I don’t think it’s a coincidence whose pain has been taken seriously. Whose pain we have shown historically and continued to show. Whose pain is tolerable and whose pain is intolerable. And whose pain needs to be addressed now.”
Union was the victim of a rape at 19 years old and been an advocate for victims for more than 20 years. She used her tour as a safe space for people to share their stories with her.
Though interviewed weeks ago, Gabrielle's comment was published on the heels of TIME's announcement that Hollywood's "silence breakers" would be honored as Person of the Year. The was to acknowledge the stories of so many women (and men) who have come forward to speak about the misconduct, harassment or assault they've undergone within the industry. While it was a courageous and bold move, many critiqued the publication for centering white women, when the campaign failed to feature the creator, Tarana Burke, who is a black woman, of the #MeToo campaign on the cover.
Source: complex.comArticle Image: Gabrielle Union on White Women's Voices Valued in #MeToo Campaign

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