Caitlyn Jenner sat with Diane Sawyer on the two year anniversary of her coming out, as a transgender woman, on Friday night, April 21. The former Olympic gold medalist spoke at length about her life since transitioning from the man the world had for nearly four decades come to embrace as heroic athlete/patriot Bruce Jenner. But in bringing viewers up to date with where her world is since going through with sex reassignment surgery, Jenner was also sure to warn make it clear that the actual procedure is a very small part of her identity as a human being, and in fact is not as ok to discuss than many may assume it to be.
"I would make the suggestion to all people out there. Don't ask the question. It's not an appropriate question to ask any Trans person," Jenner said, in response to Sawyer making reference to the sex change.
Jenner went public about her gender identity during a sitdown with Sawyer on 20/20 n April of 2015. While the world, much of which still struggles to comprehend how gender and sexuality could be two separate forms of identity, was shocked to learn that she had been living her entire life with the mind and spirit of a woman in a man's body, her story did help the conversation on gender fluidity gain mainstream attention.
Source: tmz.comImage result for caitlyn