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Victim Says Orlando Shooter Tried to Spare Black People

Orlando Shooter Omar Mateen tried to spare black people while gunning down 49 others at a gay night club over the weekend, says one victim.
Patience Carter, an African-American survivor of the vicious attack, explained to CBS News that she was able to survive by hiding in the bathroom. She overheard the killer negotiating with police on his phone, and confirmed that he pledged allegiance to ISIS. She also said he told them he wouldn’t stop killing people in the club until the U.S. stopped bombing Afghanistan. While hiding in the bathroom, she remained quiet while Mateen asked if “there are any black people in here.” She claims he followed by trying to exclude black people from his targets. "I don’t have a problem with black people,” he allegedly said. “This is about my country. You guys suffered enough.”
Mateen attacked the night club on Latin night. Many of those killed in the shooting were from Puerto Rico, according to CBS. Carter said the bathroom was filled with bodies of people who tried to escape the shooting. The gunman made it inside the bathroom just before police breached a wall to get him. Carter also said she made “peace with God and within” herself and was saved by a stranger who was shielding her while Mateen killed his last three victims in the bathroom. “If it wasn’t for that person shielding me it would’ve been me shot and I wouldn’t be sitting here today,” she said. After police took out Mateen, Carter went to check on her two friends that she came with. One was badly the injured, and the other was dead...