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Stanford Rapist’s Father Begs For Mercy Steep Price For 20 Minutes Of Action

Rapist’s Dad Says Son Shouldn’t Get Prison Time For “20 Minutes Of Action”Brock Turner

Some of you may remember this story from last week where Stanford college student Brock Turner was convicted of raping an unconscious woman and was only sentenced to 6 months in prison.
Welp, as disturbing as that might have been, the story of his amazingly short 6 month sentence is pretty f***ed up too.
The NYDailyNews is reporting that the boy’s father had some (very poor) choice words for the judge when begging that his son not be sentenced to the full TEN YEARS that he was facing…
But Turner’s father, Dan, insisted that any time in jail for his son would be too much to ask of the cowardly sex perv.
In a letter to Judge Aaron Persky before the sentencing Thursday, the elder Turner whined that his son’s life “has been deeply altered forever.”
“His life will never be the one that he dreamed about and worked so hard to achieve,” the father wrote. “That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life.”
20 MINUTES OF “ACTION”. This boy’s father described the rape of an unconscious woman as “action”. THIS is a major key as to why men continue to rape women, because their father’s are equally big pieces of s#!t.
Read d!ckhe@d daddy’s full letter below:
Can this…whatever this is, can it be anymore tone deaf? Steaks? Snacks? GTFOHWTBS!
Image via YouTube