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New Orleans Thug Raped Couple The Day After Shooting Med Student Who Thwarted Kidnapping Attempt

New Orleans Man Linked To Violent Sexual Assault Of Couple Following Attempted Kidnapping And Shooting

A man already linked to one of the most heartless crimes possible is accused of committing an equally heinous heinous the following day, when he allegedly raped a couple at gunpoint then stole their car and used their credit card.

According to NY Daily News reports:

A New Orleans man raped a couple at gunpoint the day after he tried to kill a Tulane University medical student who broke up a kidnapping, police said Wednesday.

new orleans police department
Police said Euric Cain, 21, jumped into the couple’s car around 3 a.m. Nov. 21 then raped the woman and forced the man to perform oral sex on him, The New Orleans Times-Picayune reported. Afterwards, he ordered them out of the car and drove away, according to the New Orleans Police Department.

Police said Cain put a gun to the couple’s heads and demanded they fork over their cash and credit cards after he got into the vehicle at St. Philip and Henriette Delille streets in the Treme neighborhood. He then commanded the woman to drive to an abandoned school parking lot about four miles away in the Desire area, according to cops.

He sexually assaulted the couple in the back seat and then told them he would kill them if they alerted police, according to arresting documents cited by WVUE-TV.

Detectives later found their Ford Focus in Cain’s possession when he was cuffed and linked him to DNA evidence recovered from the car, the documents said. Investigators also traced a credit card purchase with one of the victims’ cards to a store where surveillance footage showed Cain using the card.

Insane. We are just glad the victims lived to report the crime. We can’t imagine the trauma they experienced.

orleans parish police department

The other crazy part is this deviant was dating a 17-year-old who is now charged with sheltering him!

Cain, who was arrested two days later, already faced charges of attempted murder, armed robbery and kidnapping in the shooting that nearly killed 25-year-old good Samaritan Peter Gold.

Investigators believe Cain shot him in the stomach and would have shot him in the head if his gun didn’t jam. Police said Gold sprang into action to protect a woman Cain was dragging toward a car around 4 a.m. in the Lower Garden District Nov. 20. A graphic security camera video of the sequence drew national attention.

Now Cain – whose 17-year-old girlfriend Nictoria Washington is accused of sheltering him after the Nov. 20 shooting – has first-degree rape, second-degree kidnapping, armed robbery and carjacking charges on his rap sheet, according to NOPD. He’s also considered a top suspect in a series of rapes and sexual assaults reported in October and November, the Times-Picayune reported.
orleans parish police department
“He is, in our opinion, a very dangerous individual,” NOPD Superintendent Michael Harrison said at a news conference Wednesday. “And that’s why we’re working so hard to present a very good, solid case on the rape and the shooting of Peter Gold, to make sure he’s put away for a very long time, exactly where he belongs.”

We’re glad that everyone is still alive in this case, including the woman he initially tried to kidnap. We also hope police are able to solve all the other cases that Cain is a suspect in.