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Morgan Freeman Involved in Private Jet Accident

Saturday, actor Morgan Freeman, 78, was involved in a minor plane accident after the SJ30 jet blew a tire on take-off from Clarksdale, Mississippi. The pilot had to make a "control force landing" and no one was injured, according to Associated Press.

The Academy Award-winning actor released a statement regarding the scary incident noting that he was heading to Texas to film a segment for The Story of God, a National Geographic series.

He stated, "Sometimes things don't go as planned and a tire blew on takeoff, which caused other problems." Although things could have gone worse, he says his pilot took great control of the scary scene, "But thanks to my excellent pilot Jimmy Hobson we landed safely without a scratch."

Unfortunately, he added his plane did suffer some damage, "I cannot say the same about my plane. I appreciate the concern and prayers for our safety."

Source: Associated Press| Splash NewsArticle Image: Morgan Freeman Involved in Private Jet Accident