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Christian Homeless Shelter Throws Out All Women because they kept trying to have sex with the men

Christian Homeless Shelter Throws Out All Women

HOMELESShomeless shelter in Kentucky will no longer accept women as a way to stop people from having sex according to WYMT reports:
The director at Emergency Christian Ministries said people are having sex at the shelter and they cannot accept that.
“It seems like these last days it’s getting worse … the ungodly type,” Director Billy Woodward said. About 10 to 12 women were asked to leave the shelter over the past two weeks.
Woodward said they have more men than women at the shelter, so he decided to send the women to a female-only facility nearly 30 minutes away.
Woodward said in some cases, they will not accept children either.
“Right now, no because of the female factor,” Woodward said.
However, Woodward added he would accept a male child if his father and he were homeless.
Some say this decision does not make much sense. The shelter is the only place in Williamsburg for people without a home.
“I guess I’m a little old school, but the first people off the boat were the women and children,” Williamsburg Mayor Roddy Harrison said.
Harrison said the city, like many others, faces a homeless issue. He said he does not want to pass judgment on the shelter director’s decision, but said it is “not something the city feels should be done.”
Woodward said he made his decision based on the Bible. He said what was happening at the shelter was sinful.
He told us he is not saying women are the cause of the “sex problem.”
“It takes two to do that,” he said. “We are not biased or prejudice whatsoever.”
Last year, the director said 38 percent of people at the shelter were women.
Woodward said he would like to be able to accept women in the shelter in the future. However, he said he would need to renovate the facility.