Black Lives Matter activist and prominent leader, Deray McKesson blasts senior justice writer, Shaun King for allegedly mishandling funds from his foundation. Sunday, McKesson tweeted that he addressed King despite being his "biggest defender" in the past writing, "I'll keep this brief, but I'll begin by saying that @ShaunKing blocked me when I asked questions re: planning/money re: JusticeTogether."
Also, McKesson added that he wasn't aware of any finances as a board member for Justice together and says that King had deflected questions regarding his integrity. He tweeted, "@ShaunKing's reporting has been important to the movement, it has. I'll never deny that. I considered him a friend. But integrity matters. McKesson added, "But @ShaunKing, you have a way of deflecting any questions about your integrity by attacking others, which is what you did tonight."
King tried to stir issues between activist Johnetta Elize and McKesson tweeting that ill-words were being said behind her back, "Please don't come for me Netta. Deray told me months ago he was tired of working w/you & said he "hated" half the women in the movement.
Black Lives Matter Leaders Slam Shaun King For Mismanaged Funds

McKesson denied King's statement and Elize accused him of lying in order to divide them. Although, the back-and-forth on twitter seemed intense, McKesson admitted there was mistrust however not hate, "Even though @ShaunKing threw shade tonight, I don't hate him. I stopped trusting him when JusticeTogether ended. But I don't hate him."
Source: Twitter|Photo cred: Instagram