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39-Year-Old Man Claims 13-Year-Old Foster Daughter Was Impregnated By Him Using A Syringe


Brandon Weathers, a 39-year-old man from Nebraska is claiming that the 13-year old girl he fostered got pregnant by him from using a syringe because it was “something she dreamed of. According to the NY Daily News, Brandon Weathers and His Wife fostered the girl and her 10-year-old sister.

The young girl confessed to her little sister she wasn’t a virgin anymore because she had slept with “Mr. Brandon” more times than she could count. The minors’ conversation was overheard by a camp counselor and was immediately reported to Child Services.

The now 15 year-old is speaking up about her abusive stay with Weathers, SMH. Here is what The NY Daily News is reporting went down in a hearing with Brandon Weathers and the young girl this week:

The girl discovered she was pregnant in November 2014, but suffered a miscarriage shortly after. Weathers also reportedly tried to force the victim into taking a morning-after pill, but she refused.

Authorities, who were already investigating Weathers, collected tissue and DNA tests showed that he was the father, Beadle said.

But Weathers has denied having sex with the girl and instead told the courtroom that his foster daughter had a crush on him.

“I helped her indulge a fantasy — it was very stupid on my part,” Weathers told jurors.

“We never had sex. Did we use a syringe? We did. She even told me what her menstrual cycle was. She told me, and we timed it perfectly.

Were we really supposed to believe that?? We hope that young girl gets justice.