Report Shows Facebook Hires Fewer Than 9% Hispanic, Black & Mixed Race Employees
Facebook Doesn’t Hire Enough Diverse Employees
Remember when Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg promised to fix his company’s serious diversity issues?
Via Alternet:
Facebook is still dominated by white men despite Mark Zuckerberg’s repeated promise to get serious about building a workforce that better reflects the diversity of its 1.4 billion global users.In its diversity report released on Thursday the social network company revealed that more than half of its US staff are white, with the proportion dropping slightly from 57% to 55%. The proportion of Asian employees increased by 2% to 36%, but the shares of hispanic and black people or those of “two or more races” remained flat at 4%, 2% and 3% respectively.Facebook’s senior leadership is even more homogenous, with 73% of the most important positions filled by white people.The company did not provide a breakdown of the exact numbers of people of different ethnicities in different ranks at the firm. It is required to do so by US law, but a spokeswoman said there is a lag in filling the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) report.The most recent EEO filing available shows Facebook hired an additional seven black people out of an overall headcount increase of 1,231 in 2013. At that time Facebook employed just 45 black staff out of a total US workforce of 4,263. Facebook’s black female headcount increased by just one person over 2013 to 11, and the number of black men increased by six to 34. There were no black people in any executive or senior management positions.Over the same period the company’s white employee headcount increased by 695. There were 125 white people holding executive and senior management positions at the firm.The spokeswoman was unable to say when it would file its 2014 EEO report.Facebook also made little progress increasing the proportion of female employees, 68% of its global employees are male – a decrease of 1%. Among its employees working on its core technology 84% are male, down from 85% last year.
Do you think Facebook’s staff should reflect the diversity in its users?