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Florida Woman Chokes Daughter Over Bad Grades

Florida Woman Chokes Daughter Over Bad Grades
Via Gainesville News reports:

An Alachua County woman upset with her daughter over a grade of D on her school progress report was arrested on a child abuse charge Friday for hitting and choking the girl, according an an arrest report.

Charged was Congie Lolita Mack, 39, an Alachua County Sheriff’s Office report states.

A deputy who went to the home following a 911 call reported that the 14-year-old girl said that her mother was upset about the grade, shoved her and told her to go to her room so Mack could “whoop” her.

The report states Mack grabbed the girl around her neck and choked her before shoving her to the ground. Mack reportedly let go and hit her daughter three or four times in the mouth with the back of her hand.

Mack’s 7-year-old son was also questioned and confirmed his sister’s version of the incident, ASO reported

The report states Mack admitted to shoving her daughter and holding her against a wall, saying they were shoving each other. She denied touching the girl’s neck or striking her in the mouth.


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