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Friends Say Future Is TOO CONTROLLING Of Ciara . . . Call His Relationship With Ciara . . . UNHEALTHY!!!

: TWO PEOPLE close with R&B singer Ciara who are "concerned" about the nature of CiCi's relationship with rapper Future.
    One insider, a longtime friend of Ciara's told reporters, "It's all happening so fast. [Future] is everwhere. Telling her what to do with her career, her life, where to live, what to wear - it's kind of scary how he's completely taken over [Ciara's] life."
     another insider who has a BUSINESS relationship with CiCi told us, "[Future] is now Ciara's deFacto manager. She doesn't allow anyone to make any decision on her career, without Future giving the sign off."
    On ONE HAND we hate to see a woman totally give her man CONTROL over her career like that. On the OTHER hand . . . it ain't like Ciara's CAREER WAS GOING WELL before she met dude. Maybe he can help her get back on track . . .

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