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Ex-NFL Star Chad Johnson Gets 30 Days in Jail for slapping booty

TMZ is reporting that Chad Johnson was just arrested and placed in handcuffs inside a Florida courtroom after the judge in his probation violation hearing ordered him to spend 30 days behind bars.
The move comes only moments before Chad's lawyer and the judge were about to finalize the terms of Chad's punishment, which were quite favorable to the ex-NFL player. When the judge asked Chad if he was satisfied with his attorney, Johnson reached back and playfully slapped his lawyer's butt. The whole courtroom erupted in laughter, but the judge found the move very disrespectful and asked Johnson if he thought the whole proceeding was a "joke" to him.
Johnson replied, "I had no intent to make this a joke, because my life is in shambles right now."
The judge was unmoved and announced that Chad's deal was off before kicking him out of the courtroom.
Upon returning to the courtroom, Johnson was given a harsher punishment and ordered to spend 30 days in jail. His probation was also extended until December 21, 2013, and he must complete an additional 25 hours of community service with extra therapy sessions.

PHOTO: Police say Dolphins receiver Chad Johnson has been arrested on a domestic violence charge, accused of head-butting his newlywed wife during an argument in front of their home in Davie, Fla.

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