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Fox News Anchor goes low and Ask if Malia Obama will go on Birth Control

Fox News Anchor Asks If Malia Obama Will Go On Birth Control

Via The Grio reports:

In the wake of President Obama’s statement that he would support the selling of Plan B, a birth control product, to girls as young as 15, Fox News host Andrea Tantaros speculated about the sex life of the president’s 14-year-old daughter.
“Are they gonna put her on birth control? Because he’s very concerned with contraceptives and pharmaceuticals that are going in the mouths of everybody else’s 15-year-old daughter,” she said, according to Media Matters.
Tantaros also lashed out at the Obama administration: “They consider 15-year-olds to be women. They want to tell grown women what to do. They know how grown women feel. They have no idea how women feel. They should stop talking about it, because they have no clue.”
This is not the first time that the president’s eldest daughter has become a political punching bag for the right.
In just the first year of Obama’s presidency, Malia (then 11 years old) was subjected to crude and hateful insults after sporting a t-shirt with a peace sign on it during a trip to Europe.
According to Mediaite, commenters on the right wing site Free Republic referred to her as “a typical street whore” among other epithets.
In 2010, during the BP oil spill crisis, Glenn Beck mocked Malia for reportedly inquiring about the clean-up.
“Did you plug the hole yet, Daddy?” said Beck, in a voice that was meant to mock Malia. Ask “Daddy” why he “hates black people so much.”
Its Fox News – why would anyone really expect decorum, integrity, ethics, and a sense of decency from Fox? True journalism, we ALL KNOW that’s not possible on Fox, not possible EVER!.

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