New York Teenager Arrested For Throwing Stillborn Fetus Down Trash Chute
New York Teenager Arrested For Throwing Stillborn Fetus Down Trash Chute
Via NYDailyNews
A teen mother in the Bronx has been arrested after tossing her stillborn baby boy down a garbage chute, police said Sunday.Ariel Devonish-Francis, 19, was charged with unlawful disposal of a cadaver.The city medical examiner completed an autopsy Sunday and determined the baby was stillborn.Devonish-Francis went to Albert Einstein University Hospital for medical treatment after the miscarriage in her home in the West Farms Road Rehabs housing project Saturday.Her brother said he was home when she delivered the dead 8-month-old fetus in the bathroom, but didn’t even know she was pregnant.
“She kept constantly going back and forth to the bathroom — I thought it was maybe something she ate,” said Clifton Jones, 25. “If I would have known, things would have been different.”
Devonish-Francis told hospital workers she dumped the fetus down the chute in her building, officials said.
Police found the fetus in a bag in the building’s basement just before 6 p.m. Saturday.
Neighbors set up a memorial outside the building Sunday with teddy bears, a candle and flowers.
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